I don’t intend to be late with Tuesday’s fifth part of “Webcomics’ Identity Crisis”, but I had basically no time at all to use the Internet across the entire weekend, and didn’t make as much progress as I would have liked on certain things. I spent a lot of time sleeping, or at least napping, trying to shake off some weird feelings, and having issues with certain things. Meanwhile, what bump Part IV produced was basically limited to what came up on search engine results. I’m definitely leaning more towards Thursday than Wednesday for Part VI.
I mentioned recently that I had finally gotten everything back from my old USB drive, and some of the stuff included would start filtering out in the coming weeks. One of the things getting my stuff back allows me to do is the 100 Greatest Movies Project, a list of the greatest movies of all time compiled from all the ones that have come before (and there have been quite a few). On the web site, you can read all about the Project, including the lists involved, and some information about the system used to calculate the list. You can also use Da Blog’s 100 Greatest Movies Project tag to learn more about the Project.
What’s missing, and why the list itself isn’t up yet, are actual entries for the 100 movies involved, explaining why these movies are so beloved. That’s where you come in! I’ve written some entries myself and I’ve had someone else write some too, but mine aren’t that great (I haven’t watched very many of the movies myself), and my second can’t do everything, so I’d like at least one more volunteer to contribute their writing to the Project, complete with full credit for your entries. If you’re a film buff e-mail me at mwmailsea at yahoo dot com if you want more information.
(If you can include in your workload an entry on Some Like It Hot in particular, all the better.)