Lists used in The Greatest Movies Project
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The following lists are used in the Greatest Movies Project. Lists in red are used in the Critics' List; those in blue are used on the People's List. All lists are used to create the Overall List of 100 Greatest Films. Names in parenthesis are used to identify the lists on the film pages. Have a list that's not on here? E-mail me at mwmailsea at yahoo dot com.

AFI 100 Years... 100 Movies - 10th Anniversary Edition (2007) (AFI)
The one that started it all, and the one you're most familiar with. The Greatest Movies Project only uses the 2007 "10th Anniversary Edition" update.
TV Guide's 50 Greatest Movies on TV and Video (1998) (TV Guide)
Tim Dirks' website indicates this was compiled by the editors, but Wikipedia says it was a poll. In any case, the main criteria is "how fun is it to watch?" which leans more towards the people's list side.
Sight and Sound's 10 Best Films of All Time (2002) (Sight & Sound)
This poll of leading filmmakers, decennial since 1952, is probably one of the most authoritative in the industry. Heavy emphasis on foreign films.
Empire Magazine 100 Greatest Movies of All Time (2006) (Empire UK)
A poll originally taken by Britain's Empire Magazine in 1999, updated in 2003, and again in 2006.
Empire Magazine 100 Greatest Movies of All Time (2007) (Empire Aus.)
Confused? This poll was taken by Empire's Australian version, and retrieved off their now-defunct Web site.
FilmFour 100 Greatest Films (2001?) (FilmFour)
Probably the most famous list in the UK. Tim Dirks indicates this was an experts' list, but Wikipedia has a BBC article to confirm that it was a people's list. Certainly the composition is more consistent with a people's list. Perhaps the confusion is the result of the actual films being selected by FilmFour's experts and only the order being determined by the people.
Entertainment Weekly 100 Greatest Movies (1999) (Entertainment Weekly)
Non-American films are allowed on Entertainment Weekly's list, and there are some interesting choices.
LA Daily News Reader's Poll (1997) (LA Daily News)
Supposedly a people's version of the AFI list based on the same list of nominees. Only top 30 will be considered because it is littered with ties.
Empire Ultimate Film Poll (2001) (Ultimate Film Poll)
As though the Empire lists weren't confusing enough, Empire also has a top-50 list that was part of a larger effort to rank like crazy!
Mr. Showbiz 100 Best Movies of All Time (Critics) (1996?) (Mr. Showbiz Critics)
This ancient list, according to Dirks, was made "a year and a half" before the AFI list on a now-defunct site.
Mr. Showbiz 100 Best Movies of All Time (Readers) (1996?) (Mr. Showbiz Readers)
This ancient list, according to Dirks, was made "a year and a half" before the AFI list on a now-defunct site.
Village Voice 100 Best Films of the 20th Century (1999) (Village Voice)
A critics' poll assembled at the turn of the century. Very weird and foreign-heavy.
Time Out Film Guide Centenary Top 100 Films (1995) (Time Out Centenary)
Limited reliability, and so riddled with ties that I had to cut it short at 40 and include only around 10.
Time Out Film Guide Readers' Top 100 Films (1998) (Time Out Readers)
Later, Time Out Film Guide polled readers for their picks. Like its predecessor, limited reliability, and so riddled with ties that I had to cut it short at 60 and include only around 10. I may extend it later if I feel like it.
TotalFilm 100 Greatest Movies of All Time (2005) (TotalFilm 2005)
Chosen by the TotalFilm staff but rather like a people's list. Takes a turn towards the weird and disregards critical consensus in favor of the recently popular.
TotalFilm 100 Greatest Movies of All Time (2006) (TotalFilm 2006)
The people objected, and TotalFilm turned it over to them. Like its predecessor, takes a turn towards the weird and disregards critical consensus in favor of the recently popular. Top 101 Films of the Millenium (1999) (
Skews young and fun, so looks like a people's list in many ways. #101, obviously, is not included.
John Kobal Presents The Top 100 Movies (1988) (Kobal)
A decade before AFI, John Kobal solicited top 10 lists from 81 critics and filmmakers and tabulated them using a Borda system. Not only is it technically unreliable outside the top 10, there are some unfortunate math errors, and Kobal was unwilling to accept any ties and broke them alphabetically.
Radio National Listeners Poll (1993) (RadioNational)
That's about all I know about this list, found on Aaron B. Caldwell's site. Gives all appearances of being ranked but has some odd choices by any standard.
The Cinematheque Top 10 Project (2008; Top 10 2009) (The Cinematheque)
They "are asking an ever-growing panel of Film Experts (Critics, Historians, Theoreticans, Filmmakers, Professors et cetera)" to name their Top 10, but they're also asking for ordinary people's consideration, hence the people's list categorization. Only the top 10 is included, but I could extend it as far as around the top 50 before the ties became problematic.
Daily Film Dose Fanboy 100 (2007) (Fanboy 100)
Much like the LA Daily News poll tried to be for the original, a people's version of the 10th Anniversary AFI list.
Everyone's a Critic (regularly updated) (Everyone's a Critic)
The top three may look a lot like the IMDB list, but there are some notable differences. Role is limited to the top 100. (????) (Interfilms)
"The top 100 films as voted by our readers." I know nothing else about this list. I don't know if they even have any readers. 100 Greatest Movies (2002) (
Informal poll created in part as a backlash against some of the more unsavory aspects of the FilmFour list. Top 100 Movies of All Time (regularly updated) (FilmCrave)
Created based on basic movie reviews and top 10 lists submitted by members.
Empire Magazine 500 Greatest Movies of All Time (2008) (Empire 500)
Yes, yet another way for Empire to confuse you. And me, at this point. They polled "10,000 Empire readers, 150 of Hollywood's finest and 50 key film critics", and if they were all tabulated together the Empire readers should dwarf the 200 experts to the point of making mention of them irrelevant, so I don't know how it was weighted or anything, or whether it's intended to follow on from the greatest list last updated in 2006.
Times (London) Top 100 Films of All Time (2008) (Times (London))
Set out to shake things up with more recent releases, and so looks a lot like a people's list. Best Movies of All Time (regularly updated) (
Combination of an amalgamation of lists submitted by users and direct voting on the resulting films. Looks a lot like the imdB list near the top.
Flickchart Best Movies of All Time (regularly updated) (Flickchart)
Site invites members to create their own favorites lists. Near as I can tell, the amalgamated list (and indeed the entire site) is only available if you're logged in, so I may reproduce the list on-site.
TMA's 100 Greatest Movies of All Time (2010) (TMA)
List presented by the Moving Arts Film Journal.
Cahiers du Cinema 100 Films (2008) (Cahiers du Cinema)
I don't know how I only found out about this French publication's list from TMA above - maybe that's a sign they're not what I'm looking for.
Makefive Best Movies of All Time (regularly updated) (Makefive)
This site's gimmick is to create top fives for everything, and this is the resulting amalgamation, which bears some resemblance to the imdB list..
imdB Top 100 (regularly updated) (imdB)
I'm limiting imdB's role to the Top 100 because A, it would be just too much work to do the whole Top 250, and B, depending on the method used, it might not matter. (For example, using Borda count, to extend the voting to the top 250 would needlessly skew the results.) This is often biased towards recent releases.