Comment Policy

The Morgan Wick Forum rules apply to commenting on Da Blog. This brief summary should be enough to get you going:

Advertising/spamming, NSFW images, or anything illegal (or that otherwise could get us in trouble with anyone else) are not OK. Other than that, anything goes so long as it actually contributes constructively to the discussion.

Inane, pointless, and/or nonsensical comments? Don’t contribute constructively to the discussion.

Comments completely unrelated to anything anyone is talking about? Don’t contribute constructively to the discussion.

Antagonizing people for the sake of antagonizing them? Doesn’t contribute constructively to the discussion.

Insults, flames, and personal attacks that don’t have anything to do with anyone’s point? Don’t contribute constructively to the discussion.

Keep this in mind, and you should have a smooth commenting experience. Don’t keep it in mind, and you might not be commenting for much longer.

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